Safety Orientation


It is the goal of all HCC representatives to proactively address safety and security issues that may impact the facility. While working to prevent or respond to a crisis helps maximize the safety of all on the HCC premises, doing so does not guarantee against violence or disaster. Recognition of the rarity of significant church-related violence or emergencies and the unpredictability of human behavior should temper responses and expectations.

General Areas of Responsibility

Depending on the nature of emergency, the Rockford Police Department or Fire Department may be reached. When in doubt, call (9) 9-1-1 to request emergency response.

When dialing from a desk phone, you must first dial 9 to get out, even when dialing 9-1-1!

  • Knowledge Goals:

    • Protect employees, attenders and guests on church property
    • Protect and minimize damage to church property
    • Resume business after interruption
  • Authority:

    • The final authority for implementing emergency procedures is assigned to the Director of Facilities. In his absence the Facility Manager would follow. If both are absent, the Facilities staff member on duty or Lead Pastor would assume authority. Ministry and Administrative Leaders will also be responsible for people in the activities in their functional areas.
  • Public Relations:

    • Josh Peigh, or in his absence Doug Thiesen, will be solely responsible for comments to news media relations including photography and television coverage.

Emergency Notification

In the event of an emergency, do not hesitate to dial (9) 9-1-1 for the Fire and/or Police Department. Observe the following:

  • Dial (9) 9-1-1 from your cell phone or the nearest phone.
  • Clearly and calmly tell the dispatcher:
    • Your name.
    • Location of building (e.g., Heartland Community Church, 1280 South Alpine Road, or address of other location, including Sharestuff stores or Sun Prairie campus).
    • Nature of the emergency.
    • Location within the building of the emergency and which door to respond to. If in doubt, send them to the front door.
    • Do not hang up until you are told to do so.
  • Heartland has a public address system that allows police and fire personnel to give direction throughout the facility. Facilities Team members and other staff also have radio communication which helps internal communications when immediate assistance is required.

Facility Resources for Help

Single and 4-Button PagersElectronic paging buttons are located in strategic areas throughout the facility that allow instant alerts for medical or other emergencies. The Facilities Team and/or Observation Team (OT) respond to the location of that alert and will take appropriate action when called.

  • Note location of the paging buttons in your area.
  • For single button paging buttons, press and hold for 2 seconds for ANY emergency. Facilities or OT personnel will respond as soon as possible.
  • For 4 button paging buttons, press and hold the appropriate button, whether medical or security emergency exists. Hold button for 2 seconds. Facilities or OT personnel will respond.

4 Button Pager Locations

Info Desk & Center

Main Auditorium

South Auditorium

Main Office Reception


Journey Bookstore

Bride’s Room

Creative Crew (Bergner’s) Workshop

Creative Crew Lab

Journey Basement

Lower Level Control Rooms

Delta Offices

Lower Level Green Room

Launch B126 – 4/5 YR

Launch B115 – 3 YR

Launch B137 – 2 YR

Launch Check-In

Launch Office A123

Communications & Production Offices; A100

Sharestuff Manager Office

Sharestuff Break Room

Sharestuff: FNM Manager Office

Sharestuff Store Hall

1 Button Pager Locations

Prayer Room by Kitchen

Journey Register

Meg’s Daily Grind


Launch B137 – 2 YR

Loft Check-In

Launch B140 – Walkers

Launch B144 – Crawlers

Launch B145 – Infants

Launch B106

Launch B103 – Hangar

Launch B115 – 3 YR

Launch B113 – Large Group

First Impressions Room

Launch B104

Launch B126 –4/5 YR

Sharestuff Register

Launch Lighthouse

Gordy Smith

Cash Counters


Doug Thiesen

Launch Infants Check-In

South Auditorium Green Room

Matt Kitchen

Furniture Store Register

Sharestuff Sort Room

John Brennan

Pastor On Call

Dino Norphy

Jesika Moffit

Josh Peigh

Nathan Brennan

Corner Meeting Room

Journey Basement

Paula Irwin

Board Room A-147

Kevin Adams

Todd Johnson

Sandee Berger

Pagers may be used whenever a staff member, volunteer or guest feels uncomfortable. Please note: each pager button signals a different response from HCC facilities and/or OT team. Single button pagers should only be used when immediate assistance is needed. For non-emergencies, button #4 on the 4-button pagers should be depressed—a facilities team member will arrive in 10-15 minutes. Buttons #1-3 signal to different team members according to the described need of each button. Users should use care in selecting the appropriate button in order to receive the intended, correlated response.

Different Types of Emergencies & How to Respond

  1. Medical Emergency:medical emergency is defined as a situation involving an individual who is displaying evidence that they may have received an injury or are experiencing a medical condition that requires immediate first aid or a higher level of medical attention.
  2. Behavioral Emergency:behavioral emergency is defined as a situation involving an individual who is demonstrating irrational behavior, behavior which would be harmful to the individual or others, or other behaviors indicating emotional or mental distress.
When dialing from a desk phone, you must first dial 9 to get out, even when dialing 9-1-1!

How to Respond

  • If a medical or behavioral emergency is observed, press the appropriate emergency pager button to notify Facilities or OT. The Rockford Police Department should be notified depending on the severity of the medical or behavioral emergency. The observer on-site may immediately call (9) 9-1-1.
  • Attempt to keep the victim calm.
  • Provide first aid to the level of your training and capability.

First Aid

There are several first aid kits located throughout the building. If First Aid appears necessary call 9-1-1. Do not treat yourself. If the emergency is potentially a heart trauma, use the AED.

  • Info Desk (behind/under counter)
  • Launch (opposite South Auditorium wall near check-in desk)
  • North Restrooms
  • Leadership Team Offices (by upper copy room)
  • Meg’s Daily Grind
  • Loft
  • Creative Crew Workshop
  • Facilities Work Room
  • Lower Level, across from Control Room


There is an AED machine located just outside the Main Auditorium on the North side of the building. One cannot do harm in attempting to operate it. In that emergency box there are child/infant AED packs and CPR kits. Key staff and volunteers have been certified in AED & CPR procedures.

Different Types of Security Concerns & How to Respond


There are several cameras located throughout the building. All cameras are on and operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Cameras are located in most common areas and cover many rooms. There are no cameras in the main or south auditoriums, the chapel or restrooms. Take time to know where cameras are located in common areas and in your ministry areas.

1. Responding to Criminal Activity:

If criminal activity is witnessed or suspected, press the nearest Emergency Paging button to notify Facilities and/or OT:

  • The Rockford Police Department should be contacted by dialing (9) 9-1-1. Remain on the line if it does not expose you to danger.
  • Know that callers may remain anonymous.
  • Be a good witness from a safe location.
  • Provide detailed information to police, including:
    • Description of criminal activity
    • Location
    • Victim description
    • Suspect description
    • Vehicle description
    • Direction of travel

*If a cash register or money bag is threatened to be robbed, the cashier or operator should offer all the money in the drawer to the robber.

Do not attempt to confront or detain the criminal suspects.

If possible, move in front of a camera to aid in detecting the criminal after any threat has passed.

2. Responding to Disturbances and Demonstrations

Church demonstrations such as marches, picketing, etc., should be peaceful and non-obstructive and must be held on city easements and not on mall private property. A demonstration should not be disrupted unless one of the following conditions exists as a result of the demonstration:

  • It is being held on the private property of the mall.
  • It interferes with normal operations of the church or mall tenants.
  • It prevents access to church or mall facilities.
  • It is a threat of physical harm to persons or damage to church or mall facilities.

If any of the above conditions exists, contact the Director of Facilities, Lead Pastor or CFO/COO to determine an appropriate response prior to calling the Rockford Police. The Rockford Police will be responsible for coordinating all aspects of law enforcement assistance required for the effective management of church or mall demonstrations.

3. Responding to Shooting:

If you observe or suspect that a shooting is occurring, notify the Rockford Police Department by dialing (9) 9-1-1 and pushing the appropriate emergency pager button to notify Facilities and/or OT.

When dialing from a desk phone, you must first dial 9 to get out, even when dialing 9-1-1!
Follow police instructions.

If remaining on the phone line does not place you at risk, stay on the line and remain alert. Relay all information possible. Stay away from the area of shooting. Keep away from windows facing the incident area.

Fire Procedures

Note that there are several fire extinguishers located throughout the building. To locate one, find a white box on a wall with red fire extinguisher signs above. Do not try to extinguish a fire yourself; only pull the alarm on your way out of the building.

  • Notification:

    • In the event of an actual fire, the first person aware of the situation should dial (9) 9-1-1 and, if possible, advise the dispatcher of the location of the fire and at which door to arrive, contact the Facilities staff person on duty, and pull the nearest alarm station handle. There are alarm handles at most exit doors.
  • Evacuation:

    • Common Areas: All staff and volunteers should assist in directing attenders toward the nearest exit. Building exits are clearly marked with Exit Signs.
    • Office Areas: The Ministry Leaders and Administrative Department Leaders will be responsible to assure that all people in their office areas leave the building.
    • Auditorium Areas: The Ministry Leaders sponsoring the event should calmly direct participants in their activity towards the nearest marked Exit.
    • Launch Areas:
      • If actual fire or smoke is observed, children participating in activities in the “Launch” area of the church should be immediately evacuated to the nearest outside exit and gathered a safe distance from the building in front of the building or to the rear of the building in the park. Be extremely aware and cautious of arriving emergency vehicles.
      • If actual fire or smoke is not seen, Launch personnel should immediately line children up for evacuation from the nearest exit, but do not evacuate the building until directed to do so by fire department personnel.
    • Emergency Firefighters: In view of the normal prompt response time from the Rockford Fire Department, no effort should be made to fight a fire. All personnel should focus on safe evacuation of the building.
    • Fire Department: The Director of Facilities of his alternate will meet the emergency equipment at the appropriate entrance and advise the firefighters of the type and severity of the problem.

Individuals with Special Needs

In situations that require a building evacuation or that require sheltering in safe locations, special attention will be given to assisting individuals with special needs. Ministry Leaders who have people with special needs in their activities will be charged with assisting those individuals that require assistance with moving to designated evacuation areas, safe zones, or providing assistance negotiating stairs. Those providing assistance to individuals with special needs should note:

  • Elevators will not be used as an evacuation route as they automatically stop working during a fire alarm.
  • Persons with mobility impairments who are able to walk independently and are in the second floor loft may be able to negotiate stairs in a sit down position with minor assistance in the absence of an emergency stair slide.
  • Persons with mobility impairments who are not able to walk independently or negotiate stairs safely, whether on the main floor or in lower basement areas, should be directed to the nearest “Rescue Assist Zone”; they should press the button on the silver box located in that zone and await further assistance from the local fire department’s rescue teams. There are six rescue assist zones:
    1. Exit door on South-West corner of Launch
    2. Journey south stairwell, lower level
    3. South stairwell in main basement area
    4. North stairwell in main basement area
    5. At the south emergency stairwell from the Rockford Career College space
    6. At the north emergency stairwell from the Rockford Career College space

Rescue Assistance Call Box
Pressing the button will alert rescue teams of the location of persons needing assistance. Persons needing assistance will be instructed to remain stationary in the designated zone until rescue teams arrive. Rescue teams are able to identify the location and communicate using another keypad/intercom station. Rescue units are trained to check this keypad first when entering the building.

Rescue Assistance Keypad

Tornado Emergency

Go to a protected area within the building. The preferred areas for shelter are AWAY from all windows anywhere on the main floor level or anywhere in the basement level. Be away from any windows in the entryways are in the office areas. Do not return to other areas until it is safe and persons are directed to do so. Sharestuff clothing personnel should be directed to the basement of the store. Sharestuff Furniture & More personnel should move away from windows and under heavy furniture for protection.

Operating Equipment

Facilities staff, Creative Crew team members and at times Creative Arts staff may utilize a variety of power tools and equipment. Staff members not approved to operate equipment should not operate any equipment they have not been trained or otherwise approved to operate; doing so poses potential risk to oneself and others. Power tools and equipment includes, but is not limited to, forklift, scissor lift, carpet cleaners and HCC vehicles. Minors should not operate any power tools or equipment.


Training is made available to all staff annually for CPR/AED, Mandatory Reporting and other relevant courses as they are available. Most of these trainings are available for free at the inclination of each staff member while others are required based on job description and relevancy to position. If an employee is interested in being trained for a specific purpose, he/she should contact Human Resources.